sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

10 Ways to feel happier!

Yesterday it was birthday - yes..I´m  26  now- and gratefully I can say that in this time of my life I´m Happy. I mean, I have bad days like everyone else, but I have learned how to feel this way, because I think that happiness is something that is your choise, you can be happy for the little things of the day or complaint because one thing didn´t happen like you wish to.

Here are a list of 10 things that make me feel a little happier during the day.

1- Try to see the positive and beautiful little things of the day, like when you have a cup of tee with friends or boyfriend or when you are resting and your cat come to you like you are the only person in the world.

2- Distress yourself, have a long bath, paint your nails, do some you time.

3- Go for a long walk. Really, best thing ever.

4- Listen to some music and sing along until you´re out of breath.

5- Organize and tidying, this makes me feel really good!

6- Learn something new, so you will know that the day was worth.

7- Get a long night sleep.

8- Spend time with your loved ones, friends, family.

9- Smell a flower, I don´t know what it is but this change my mod instantly.

10- Go shopping, I know that this might sound shallow, but shopping = happiness, right-?

What things make you feel happier?

Stella XoX

2 comentarios :

  1. Shopping definitely is my happy place haha! Lovely post - I think flowers are a great idea, sometimes even just having them in the house makes me feel better :)!xo


  2. I always love going for walks, makes me feel so good! X

    Cleaning your teeth and braces for a brighter smile over on -
